Welcome to 1689 Seeds!

1689 Seeds exists to connect individuals who need 1689 churches in their area
with organizations that are working towards the planting of 1689 churches.

Check out our About page for more information and FAQs!
Join our official Reformed Baptist Church Planters group on Facebook!

Active ListingsOrganizationsCompleted Data RequestsForwarded Messages

We provide these statistics not to boast of anything we have done in of ourselves, but rather to show how good and faithful God is, and to give a report of this freely-given ministry to all.

1689 Seeds Map

For privacy purposes, the shown locations are not exactly precise.
Only verified organizations are able to obtain private contact data for the purposes of church planting.

1689 Seeds Data Table

For privacy purposes, the listed locations are not exactly precise.
Only verified organizations are able to obtain private contact data for the purposes of church planting.

Need Help?

Visit our About page to read our FAQs.
You can also contact us for additional support!
Send us an email: info@1689seeds.org

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